[ Leetcode ] Linked List
insert/delete | search | scenario | |
Array | O(n) | O(1) | fixed data size, frequent search, less add/delete |
Linked List | O(1) | O(n) | float data size, less search, frequent add/delete |
Base Questions
Dummy Head ListNode
在原始 Linked list 前端增加一個虛擬節點(dummy node),可以省去為第一個節點所增加的判斷邏輯
203. Remove Linked List Elements
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def removeElements(head: Optional[ListNode], val: int) -> Optional[ListNode]: dummyHead = ListNode(next = head) curr = dummyHead while curr.next: if curr.next.val == val: curr.next = curr.next.next else: cur = curr.next return dummyHead.next # 回傳新 node 的頭
- Time complaxity : O(n)
- Space complaxity : O(1)
- 先畫圖演練順序
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def swapPairs(head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]: dummyHead = ListNode(0, head) curr = dummyHead while curr.next and curr.next.next: tmp1 = curr.next # 1 tmp2 = curr.next.next # 2 curr.next = curr.next.next # curr -> 2 curr.next.next = tmp1 # 2 -> 1 curr.next.next.next = tmp2 # 1 -> 3 curr = curr.next.next # curr 移至 3 return dummyHead.next
- Time complaxity : O(n)
- Space complaxity : O(1)
Two pointers
19. Remove Nth Node From End of List
- 運用快慢指針,讓快指針先走 n + 1 step,再讓快慢指針同時一步一步走,值到快指針為空
n + 1
step : 讓慢指針最後剛好停留在要刪除的節點前一個位置,方便執行操作
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def removeNthFromEnd(head: Optional[ListNode], n: int) -> Optional[ListNode]: dummyHead = ListNode(0, head) slow = fast = dummyHead for _ in range(n + 1): fast = fast.next while fast: fast = fast.next slow = slow.next slow.next = slow.next.next # 讓慢指針很輕易的連到下下個節點 return dummyHead.next
- Time complaxity : O(n)
- Space complaxity : O(1)
Recursive and Iterative
- Iterative
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def reverseList(head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]: prev = None curr = head while curr: temp = curr.next curr.next = prev prev = curr curr = temp return prev
Time complaxity : O(n)
Space complaxity : O(1)
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def reverseList(head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]: def reverse(prev, curr): if not curr: return prev temp = curr.next curr.next = prev return reverse(curr, temp) return reverse(None, head)
- Time complaxity : O(n) (node * n)
- Space complaxity : O(n) (space * n)
Linked List Cycle
- 判斷是否有 cycle:
- 用快慢指針:設定指針步伐:(慢*1,快*2),若有環產生,則快慢指針一定會在環中相遇
- 如果有環,如何找到環入口: (數學推導 x: 環入口, y: 環入口到相遇點,z:相遇點到環入口)
- 快指針走的步伐為慢指針的兩倍 : 2 * (x + y)
- 2 * (x + y) = x + y + n(y + z)
- x + y = n(y + z)
- x = n(y + z) - y
- x = n(n - 1)(y + z) + z
- if n = 1 => x = z
- 從起點出發一個指針,從相遇點也出發一個指針,兩個指針每次都只走一步,當兩個指針相遇時,就是環的入口點
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def detectCycle(head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]: slow = fast = dummyHead while fast and fast.next: slow = slow.next # 每次走一步 fast = fast.next.next # 每次走二步 if slow == fast: # 快慢指針相遇,表示一定有環 tmp1 = fast tmp2 = head while tmp1 != tmp2: # 找 x = z,相遇點 tmp1 = tmp1.next tmp2 = tmp2.next return tmp2 return None
- Time complaxity : O(n)
- Space complaxity : O(1)
- 判斷是否有 cycle: